

Regardless of what industry or sector you compete in, excellence in core disciplines can be indicative of your ability to survive in a constantly changing global environment.

At KAVON we are dedicated to advancing our expertise in core business disciplines. Our Trusted Advisors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our client engagements. From business strategy to continual improvement, we help clients boost performance. Each of our practices address a unique set of challenges on the road to becoming a world class organization.

Strategic Management
Solution Icon

Standards Compliance
Solution Icon KAVON Trusted Advisors help clients understand and implement Management Systems that meet the requirements of all the major standards like ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14000, AS9100, ISO 17025, and ISO 13485.

Competition in the global marketplace demands that companies demonstrate compliance or registration to one or more of these standards. KAVON advisors have helped hundreds of companies do just that.

KAVON can help you install or improve any of your business systems and show you how to monitor and measure its success along with sustaining its continued viability.

Continual Improvement
Solution Icon Customers are constantly demanding improved quality and reduced pricing in the products and services they purchases from its suppliers. This is forcing companies to take a serious look at their products and processes to eliminate any non-value-added cost (i.e. eliminate any wasteful activities).

Through the KAVON Lean Resource Center, we provide our clients with the resources to become a Lean Enterprise. This includes all activities from getting the order to collecting the cash.

Our advisors have a wealth of experience in tackling the most difficult problems facing your company. Using Lean/Six-Sigma Methods of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, they attack specific problems with the proper tools to solve them.
